
National Training Center (NTC) Scenario

103ROTC #20 LTC / On Artillery 2008. 2. 8. 21:49


National Training Center (NTC) Scenario

"The actions that must occur during RSOI are fundamentally the same actions that a brigade must take during the pause after a battle, i.e., protect the force and generate combat power. The difference is that in combat operations, your starting point is some percentage of full combat power based on the results of the battle. In RSOI, your starting point is zero combat power, as all you have are individual items of equipment and individual soldiers, not combat-ready units."

--BG William S. Wallace, Commander, NTC

"Basically, RSOI when the Active Component (AC) does it and when the Reserve Component (RC) does it, you should see no differences at all. RSOI is RSOI!"

--An RC LO during a briefing at Home Station

As discussed in the previous chapter, RC units can expect to perform the RSOI process in the confined and mostly controlled environment of the National Training Center or the Joint Readiness Training Center. This would normally be done during the two-week annual training period sometime in the summer. This chapter contains information relative to units rotating through the NTC. Lessons learned from the NTC by units conducting the RSOI process can also be used for a rotation at JRTC. RSOI is the primary vehicle by which force projection doctrine is trained at the NTC. In time, it may have a decisive impact on the Army's ability to conduct unopposed theater entry operations worldwide. As more RC units experience RSOI as a standard feature of NTC rotations, it should become an integral part of home-station training.

The RSOI training program at the NTC has grown from two directions. First, the NTC observed that a brigade, deploying to the NTC, was missing a training opportunity because of the administrative nature of the week between arrival at NTC and the brigade's move to the maneuver area. Second, the NTC recognized a training void within the Army as it transitions from a forward deployed to a power projection force. The program has four goals as set forth by the NTC cadre.

1. Replace the administrative preparation week with a scenario-based RSOI week.
2. Replicate Army War Reserve Position Stock (AWRPS) draw procedures and interface with theater logistics base.
3. Place immediate tactical requirements on the brigade upon arrival in theater.
4. Observe building of combat power and logistics sustainability (Observer/Controllers (O/Cs)).

The program focuses on the deployment and entry operations stages of force projection, as depicted in FM 100-5, Operations. Training for the AC unit begins approximately 120 days prior to unit deployment when the brigade receives a country study and a contingency plan for deployment to the fictitious island of Tierra del Diablo. Training for the RC unit should have begun with a read-ahead package from the Center for Army Lessons Learned or its contingent at the CTC. This packet allows the RC unit about one calendar year to conduct its mission analysis, military decisionmaking process and to decide how to best prepare for the Annual Training (AT) task of conducting RSOI. The country study provides historical, political, social and military background of the region, allowing the brigade to begin preparing soldiers for their mission. The contingency plan, written at the Joint Task Force level, allows either division or brigade staffs to develop their derivative plans.

For the AC unit, about 90 days prior to deployment, the brigade receives a JCS alert order and a CNN-style video that portrays current events in the region. Forty-five days prior to deployment, the unit receives the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) deployment order and another video. Thus, with the country study, the contingency plan, the alert and deployment orders, and the news videos, the unit has the ability to craft a Home-Station training program that will exercise all of their pre-deployment and deployment requirements. Home-Station training ends when the brigade boards aircraft at the Aerial Port of Embarkation for strategic lift to Tierra del Diablo. Usually the RC unit must request this study from their RC Liaison Officer (LO), a member of the NTC staff during the D-360 conference.

Upon arrival in theater, the AC brigade incrementally generates combat power and logistical sustainability. To accomplish that, the brigade initiates its draw of pre-positioned equipment that has been downloaded from the Army Prepo Afloat (APA) ship, the USS Cape Irwin. The brigade operates under the direction of the Irwin Theater Logistics Commander, portrayed by the NTC Deputy Commander for Logistics, and with the assistance of the Army Materiel Command Logistics Support Element (AMC LSE), portrayed by NTC's logistical support contractor. The brigade's equipment is configured into company sets, the basic building block for task forces. The issue process allows the brigade to inspect and accept accountability for the equipment, upload weapons, radios and secondary loads, and move to a unit staging area where equipment is positioned in task force organization. Concurrently, the brigade forecasts and draws all other classes of supply from the Theater Logistics Command (TSC). For some rotations, RC units replicate the TSC or at least augment the TSC by serving as its ears and eyes on the ground and by providing direct interface with the AC unit.

Throughout RSOI week, the brigade accomplishes all the elements needed to transform itself into a combat-ready unit. This includes, but is not limited to, acclimatization to the theater, training, force protection, weapons screen and zero, and planning for future operations. Shortly after arrival, the brigade is directed to plan for a company/team size operation that will occur before the brigade moves to the Tactical Assembly Area (TAA) at the end of RSOI week.

Experience has shown through time that many RC units need to emphasize training to conduct the RSOI process and to do it well. Therefore, planning and practice are essential elements to the training schedule. RC units routinely attend annual training at the NTC for 17-22 days. Deploying to NTC is an excellent opportunity for RC units to train deployment procedures, onward movement, and unit integration. The current approach at the NTC is to focus on the unit's execution of building combat power. The specific tasks observed are:

  • Unit draw plans and execution of those plans.
  • Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) of pre-positioned equipment.
  • Preparation of soldiers (safety, enemy situation, country briefings, load plans, basic load of all classes of supply).

Rotational units deploy to the NTC based on a prearranged scenario. The unit becomes part of Joint Task Force (JTF) Mojave, within the area of responsibility of U.S. Irwin Command (USIRCOM). A complete scenario with detailed country studies and an in-depth intelligence briefing are provided to the rotating unit. The mission in theater is to counter or deter aggression.

The objectives of RSOI, as they apply to NTC, are five-fold:

1. Place immediate tactical requirements on the Brigade Combat Team upon its arrival in theater.
2. Replicate the draw of pre-positioned equipment.
3. Interface with the theater logistics base.
4. Replace what was previously an administrative draw week with a tactical RSOI scenario leading up to conventional operations.

An associated objective of RSOI is to familiarize the rotational unit with the complexity of tactical operations under the constraints of peacetime Rules of Engagement (ROE). Much emphasis is placed on determining if the soldiers on the rotating unit fully understand ROE. This is accomplished in many ways, but the point of all of the objectives listed above are the same. The rotating unit must be able to think on its own, plan ahead, and be self-sufficient as soon as possible to be integrated into the fight.

The unit's chain of command is in the best position to assess proficiency at mobilizing, as well as demobilizing. The operations stage consists of conventional training in NTC's live-fire and maneuver areas and, therefore, does not pertain to RSOI. Moreover, the post-conflict or post-crisis stage currently is not encompassed by RSOI. The unit examines aspects of its own development such as predeployment activities, movement to ports of embarkation and strategic airlift. Upon arrival in theater, the unit is observed by logisticians, technicians and trainers at the NTC as it enters the RSOI phase of its training and conducts entry operations.

In replicating Irwin Military City and the theater logistics base in the Republic of Mojave, the NTC represents a semi-mature theater. Accordingly, the rotational unit conducts unopposed entry operations upon arrival. Unit requirements in this regard, as specified by FM 100-5, are:

1. Protect the force.
2. Assist forward-presence or host-nation forces.
3. Build combat capability.
4. Reconfigure.
5. Acclimate.
6. Train.

Protecting the force encompasses such unit actions as the operation of a checkpoint, reconnaissance and security of routes, fratricide prevention, enforcement of safety standards, conduct of preventive medicine, activation of air defense measures, conduct of liaison with local authorities and the exercise of sound operations security (OPSEC).

Assisting forward-presence or host-nation forces involves a multiplicity of potential missions. Among them are relief in place, clearing obstacles and mines, delivering supplies, securing borders, routes and lodgments and conducting show-of-force operations.

Building combat capability includes interfacing with the theater logistics base, conducting large-unit supply operations, constituting CSS units rapidly to support the overall effort, drawing equipment, training personnel and conducting marshalling activities to integrate combat-ready personnel and equipment. The preferred method is to approach this task by building combat-capable units over time with specific standards and goals specified and tracked by the chain of command. The average length of time consumed by rotational units in the "building" of the entire Combat Team at the NTC is six days.

Reconfiguring encompasses tailoring the force to the mission, task-organizing, prioritizing the effort to build combat-capable units and establishing command, control, communications and intelligence as rapidly as possible. Both the plan and method for task organization in relation to the equipment draw are vital issues for the unit to resolve prior to arrival.

Acclimating is a multi-faceted process. To operate effectively in a foreign theater, troops must adjust to the physical environment (climate, weather and terrain). They must also be sensitive to the cultural environment, understanding social, political, economic and religious factors characterizing the geographical area in which they are operating.

The last item, training, entails all of those actions that make a unit combat ready. In the context of force projection, some of the more important topics include actions on contact, ROE, Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) provisions and stipulations, OPSEC, Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO), crowd and riot control and reaction to the media. Conventional combat training must also continue as the unit conducts marshalling activities. As always, safety remains a top training priority.

From the moment of arrival at the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) to redeployment, the unit engages in force protection and acclimation. These are processes that never cease. Building combat power, reconfiguration and training occur once the unit enters its staging area. Soon thereafter, the Brigade Combat Team must be prepared to assist forward-presence or host-nation forces. Therefore, the unit must be able to provide tactical support before it has completed staging operations at the brigade level. This also explains why combat organizations are built incrementally. The structure provides the means to make available some combat capability (a certain number of companies and/or teams) for rapid deployment as soon as possible.

The fictitious command structure that drives RSOI parallels that of a Unified Command and, therefore, is joint in nature. The Commanding General of NTC serves in the capacity of the Commander-in Chief (CINC), USIRCOM. The Commander of Operations Group (COG) assumes the role of Commander, Joint Task Force (JTF) Mojave, and U.S. Army Forces. The other fictional service commands are the U. S. Marine Irwin Command (USMARIRCOM), the U. S. Navy Irwin Command (USNAVIRCOM), the U. S. Air Force Irwin Command (USAFIRCOM) and the Special Operations Irwin Command (SOCIRCOM).

The RSOI process, as it is performed at the NTC, allows the rotational unit to exercise a "road-to-war" timeline. While attending the Leader's Training Program (LTP) at the NTC, the unit's command and staff element receives an RSOI orientation briefing. After returning to home station, the unit begins to involve itself in the RSOI scenario for planning purposes.

O/Cs assigned to NTC observe the unit during RSOI and provide feedback to unit leaders through the After-Action Report (AAR) process. To gather a comprehensive view of unit activities during RSOI, O/Cs use the following frame of reference:

  • Intelligence -- strategic and tactical information processing.
  • Building Logistics Power -- large unit supply actions such as breaking down and issuing supply commodity items; theater logistics base interface, including the opening of theater accounts.
  • Training -- ROE, safety, environment and other critical subjects.
  • Building Combat Power -- marshalling activities, equipment personnel integration, staging area operations.
  • Force Protection -- OPSEC, sensitive items and ammunition security and movement control in the staging area.
  • Battle Command -- "See Yourself" issues (nature, condition, and status).

It is important to brief soldiers on the in-country political and tactical situations. Soldiers then understand the larger themes driving the scenario. These include the reason for deployment, the names of the countries involved, as well as friendly and potential enemy forces. The degree to which the unit has been briefed becomes apparent when media representatives from the fictitious news network interview soldiers and their leaders at all levels and ask questions pertaining to these very issues.

Over the past couple of years, RC Area Support Groups (ASGs) have performed the arduous task of conducting Theater Opening Force Module or TOFM operations. TOFM is actually a part of RSOI. TOFM is the part of Reception, Staging, and a large part of Integration stages. This helps RC units, such as ASGs and CSGs, to learn first hand how to conduct RSOI as the C2 element. The 52d Division Tactical Operations Center, portrayed by the Operations Group, usually provides higher headquarters support to the brigade. In addition to routine support, the division staff hosts a daily update with the brigade. The brigade receives enemy and friendly situational updates, always escalating toward armed conflict as the week progresses. At the daily update, the brigade briefs its status on the incremental generation of combat power and ability to conduct future operations. RSOI week culminates with the execution of the company/team mission, usually conducted under peacetime rules of engagement, and the brigade movement from the staging area to the TAA. Each battalion task force is provided an AAR on their role in RSOI, followed by a brigade-level AAR. The RC ASGs also are given incremental AARs.

At Appendix C is a sample OPORD that a typical ASG/CSG might use during the TOFM operation at NTC. The two most important annexes have been included for your education. However, all of the appendices and charts are not included to reduce the length of this publication. Task organization and support operations appendices give you a great opportunity to understand what the RC unit is performing as the C2 element of the process.

The RSOI training program at NTC provides the AC brigade combat teams the opportunity to plan for and execute unopposed entry operations under a theater deployment scenario. During the three TOFM rotations, RC units plan and execute a large part of the RSOI process. This training program is one piece of the Army's efforts to improve its power projection capabilities.

LESSONS from the NTC

1. The C2 unit, such as an ASG or CSG, needs to plan for the full task force to be developed, unit by unit, and with some thought for priority of support. Staffs tend to plan for a company-sized elements as their first priority, then fail to develop incrementally beyond that point. The first company-sized unit develops quickly, then all remaining units develop at the same rate. This means that no company or battalion task force-sized element is given priority. The result is that the immediate reaction company is combat-capable within 48 to 72 hours, then no other units meet the requirements until 12 hours before brigade movement to the TAA.

2. Many RC units deploying to the NTC express frustration to MCC regarding the lack of rail-loading experience their Division Transportation Office (DTO), Movement Control Office (MCO), and Installation Transportation Office (ITO) shops have on such large-scale deployments. Since most RC units usually never practice conducting large-scale movements, training and experience are low. A suggested technique is for the NTC MCC to train a three- to five-man team on rail-loading operations and techniques 180-90 days prior to the RC unit's deployment, through the Leadership Training Program (LTP) or a similar medium. Since the NTC RC LO usually conducts a LTP seminar with the C2 unit about D-360, this is the best time to plan for this training.

3. RC unit's rail teams lack sufficient personnel and equipment to drive vehicles to the staging area. Units should augment the rail team with appropriate drivers (heavy equipment drivers) and ensure the rail team deploys with some tool boxes as TAT.

4. Many RC units do not have deployment or onward movement as part of their mission-essential task list (METL). Units that do have deployment and onward movement SOPs do not have specific tasks or standards for subordinate units. A quick look at Appendix A, Sample RSOI Annex to an Operations Order, can give you a good start on developing these specific tasks.

Brigade RSOI Techniques:

1. Establish your Command Posts with FM communications as early as possible. Then do a communications exercise (COMMEX) to verify it all actually works.

2. When you design your tracking charts for the building of combat power, design them in such a way that you can use the same ones during the actual campaign.

3. Determine your commander's critical information requirements (CCIRs), then position personnel where they can observe your progress. Example: Let's say "tank screening" is one of your CCIRs. Your tracking charts will tell you if you're falling behind in tank screening; however, you'll need an observation post (OP) at the range to tell you why.

4. Clearly articulate when task organization is in effect. Make units report combat power by task organization and not by habitual relationships.

5. Establish a glide path that starts at deployment and ends on RSOI Day 05. The glide path should show where you want to be with respect to combat power at the end of each day during RSOI week. Then make sure you are meeting your targets each day. If you don't reach a target, find out why. This way you may be able to anticipate problems ahead of time.

Non-Branch-Specific RSOI Techniques:

1. RSOI Draw. Units must concentrate on two areas: good maintenance and good MILES.

a. The unit must deploy with a well-defined and rehearsed plan to conduct a thorough maintenance check on the vehicles they will draw upon arrival at the draw yard. They should not accept anything that is not to -10-20 standards. Operators must continue to do preventative maintenance checks and services (PMCS) by the book, including checks by first- and second-line supervisors.
b. Do not leave the issue yard until MILES is installed, checked for operability, and verified by the training teams that the system is tracking in the Training Analysis Facility (TAF).

2. Pre-Combat Checks/Pre-Combat Inspections (PCCs/PCIs). Units must begin enforcing PCC/PCIs standards at Home Station. This will allow the unit to deploy to NTC and execute their campaign with a solid foundation to ensure they can execute the basic requirements to go to combat.

3. Develop a complete plan prior to deployment.

4. Prioritize (front-load) C2and communications assets.

5. Brigade representatives must man critical nodes in key facilities (vehicle draw yard, MILES Warehouse, ASP) to ensure smooth operations.

6. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Training. Establish SOPs at Home Station. Train and practice NBC drills, including use and maintenance of chemical detection equipment, establishment and dissemination of warning levels and associated mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) levels, decontamination training, and casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) drills.

7. Define combat ready down to section level. Define combat capability in terms of shoot, move, communicate, force protection, training, and crew status, and apply this down to section level. Simple, clearly defined tracking charts assist in tracking and building combat power. Conduct quality PMCS of vehicles prior to draw.

8. Development of unit basic loads (UBLs). Units should have a clear understanding of their Class III, IIIP, IV, and V UBLs. Include UBLs as part of the unit SOP. Units should know what they will draw when they conduct RSOI so their load plans will include all pertinent classes of supply. Appoint an OIC/NCOIC ("Czar") of each class of supply. Deploy a robust advance party that can open all accounts and begin draw. This will permit follow-on units to start loading their classes of supply as soon as they draw their vehicles. Drawing classes of supply is often the biggest stumbling block units face when building combat power.

9. Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) Operations. Units must set up and fully pressurize their FARPs. This needs to be done before moving to the field to find leaks and to ensure the system is operational prior to the first mission.

10. Pre-plan and practice a detailed tracking system that enables the unit and commander to "see himself" as all of the various pieces of RSOI are executed. The tracking system should commence immediately upon arrival.

11. Set up command posts as soon as possible. Send them early, by line haul, if possible. Establish communications as soon as possible, to include some type of hand-held system, normal FM radio, and tactical facsimile (TACFAX).

12. Risk Management. The Army standard for risk management is the Force XXI Model. The proponent for this program is the U.S. Army Safety Center (MEDCOM PAM 385-5). The Force XXI risk management process is a five-step process of identifying and controlling hazards to protect the force. It is applicable to any mission and environment. All units, down to the squad level, should conduct this training.

13. Develop an internal plan for completing the building of the remainder of the functional companies. The plan should include at least the following two items:

  • Tracking of each asset within your control.
  • Build in the terms of the unit's capabilities.

14. COMMEX. Conduct long-distance radio checks and establish digital nets prior to deploying to the field. This can be accomplished at the Armory or Reserve Center. Digital nets are essential to the counter-fire battle drill, fire mission processing, and the reconnaissance battle. Exercise all systems -- Enhanced Precision Locating and Reporting System (EPLARS), Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS), all standard radios, and Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE). Include all fire support and maneuver elements in the COMMEX.

Combat Arms RSOI Techniques:

1. MILES Gunnery. Units must ensure they have a solid MILES gunnery plan and training program to ensure they can boresight to standard, zero the weapon to standard, and achieve kill codes out to the maximum effective range of the weapon system. Units should incorporate the light bar early on in their program to ensure a tight boresight of the weapon system.

2. Understanding the Live-Fire Rules of Engagement (ROE). Units must train the Live-Fire ROE at Home Station to arrive at NTC with a solid foundation to achieve success in the live-fire portion of their campaign. This includes surface danger zones (SDZs), weapons control status, and personnel accountability.

3. Understanding the Task Force-Level Defense and Breach Operations. Units must deploy to the NTC with well-rehearsed plans for defense and breach operations. Hopefully, they will have an opportunity to execute these two missions at task force level.

4. Have a plan to track progress continually -- in terms of capabilities, not sheer numbers. Also, keep in mind that combat units are not capable of successfully executing combat operations without required CS and CSS assets.

5. Maintain focus on end-state -- combat readiness. As units are formed and completed, they must be immediately ready to finalize their preparation by conducting boresighting/zeroing, small unit training/rehearsals, etc.

6. RSOI. Focus on generating combat power to include equipment draw, maintenance (PCCs/PCIs), MILES zero/boresighting/gunnery, and tracking.

7. Trench Certification. Conduct Live-Fire ROE certification IAW ARTEP 7-8 Drill (drills 5/5A, 7/7A, and 8), Bravo Pass Leader's Reconnaissance, and Bravo Pass unit rehearsal.

8. The Building of Combat Power. Integrate the plan with brigade. In the development of force packages, include radar, survey, metro, ammunition, and whoever is going to be the RSOI headquarters. Establish a not-later-than (NLT) time that the force packages should be combat ready. The headquarters needs to be operational and start tracking the building of combat power on the first day.

9. Training Plan. Observer gunnery training is one event that occurs on RSOI-4. Recommend the battalion conduct registrations and additional fire missions as part of calibration. Conduct individual training during the early part of draw, moving toward collective training as units are built.

Combat Support RSOI Techniques:

1. Environmental Training Program. Units must have a well-developed training plan that exercises all modes in which the crews will fly during the campaign (day, tactical, Night Vision Goggles (NVG)).

2. Establish Maintenance Class IX(A) Accounts. During previous NG rotations, units relied totally on their Home-Station maintenance to provide parts, which proved very ineffective. Units need to consider using the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) accounts from the Marine Corps Logistics Base - Yermo (MCLB).

3. Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) Operations. Units must set up and fully pressurize their FARPs. This needs to be done before moving to the field to find leaks and to ensure the system is operational prior to the first mission.

4. COMMEX. Conduct long-range communications checks, considering the distances that the unit will be required to communicate during COLT/Scout insertions or other deep missions. This requires retransmission to support and verifies communication at extended distances from nap-of-the-earth (NOE) altitudes.

5. Rehearsals. RSOI is an excellent time to rehearse Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Downed Aircraft Recovery Team (DART), Operation Readiness Floats (QRFs), perimeter security, NBC operations, company-level battle drills, actions on contact, and calls for fire. Units should always take advantage of the time available. These are areas in which RC units never have enough training.

6. Have a flexible, trackable training plan for execution during RSOI. Training should include NTC-required events (roll-over drills) as well as requirements specific to the unit.

7. Immediately identify exactly what Class V is actually drawn and put into the field Ammunition Supply Point (ASP), and analyze the delta between what was drawn versus what was originally required. This will help preclude emergency situations later in the rotation (such as discovering a shortage of blasting caps).

8. Upon drawing Class IV in RSOI, configure the materiel into unit-specific "combat-configured loads" in accordance with unit tactical SOP (TACSOP). This will save large amounts of time later, when manpower is not so readily available.

Combat Service Support (Logistics) RSOI Techniques:

1. RSOI Training. Units should identify theater requirements and unit-specific tasks to train during RSOI. Completion of theater requirements, such as rollover drills and ROE training, is mandatory before deployment or during RSOI. Other tasks should focus on those critical CSS technical or survivability tasks that require sustainment training prior to movement to the TAA.

2. Identification of CSS assets that support the incremental buildup of combat power. Before deployment, CSS assets that support the RC unit bde/bn Ready Reaction Force (RRF), Division Ready Forces (DRFs) 1 and 2 must be identified and provisions made so that the equipment receives priority from the draw or Home-Station shipment. Personnel flow must also be prioritized to man this equipment.

3. Combat Health Support Planning and Synchronization. The combat health support (CHS) planning team must actively participate in the brigade planning process. Key CHS planners are: Forward Support Battalion (FSB) Support Operations Officer, Brigade S1, Brigade Surgeon, Medical Company Commander and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Team Leader (Brigade S3 Air if no MEDEVAC Team deploys). The planning team plus the TF Medical Platoon Leaders attend and participate in a brigade rehearsal. The end result is a CHS execution matrix which allocates assets (number of evacuation platforms) based on casualty estimates and positions these assets (ambulance exchange points or shuttle points) based on areas of expected casualty density and time/distance to these areas. These CHS assets are moved by operational events or "triggers," for example, the TF crossing of phase lines. Reporting to supporting and supported units is critical. CHS leaders must know the current battlefield situation. Branches and sequels to the plan must be incorporated into the plan and rehearsed. Soldiers' lives depend on a responsive treatment and evacuation system. For success, the brigade CHS must be homogeneous from point of injury to Level II.

4. Pre-Combat Inspection (PCI) of Medical Equipment Sets (MESs) and Combat Lifesaver Bags (CLBs). Complete a thorough inventory of MESs (Ground and Trauma) and CLBs prior to deployment. Shortages should be ordered with enough lead time to affect the fill of these items before deployment. Additionally, units should ensure that they use the inventory list included in the most recent edition of the Combat Lifesaver Course to inventory the Combat Lifesaver Bags.

5. Conduct an Extensive "LOG RECON" of the Theater. Conduct an early mission analysis to determine the bulk needs of the RC unit. Conduct face-to-face meetings with the Theater-level support agencies with whom the unit will interface. Ensure that the Theater support agencies can support the requirements (to include weekends and holidays). Go "LOG Heavy" on the Torch and Advanced parties to set up the specific RC accounts, draw the critical systems to accomplish the early mission support requirements, and to set the conditions for success during the remainder of the annual training rotation.

6. Synchronize all logistical capabilities within the RC unit at home station. Include the following:

  • Conduct mission analysis.
  • Determine CSS "SPECIFIED" and "IMPLIED" tasks.
  • Determine the priority of each task.
  • Determine the CSS capabilities required to accomplish each task.
  • Give each task to a tactical unit as a mission (company or platoon with a designated POC).
  • Develop a method to track the building of these capabilities.
  • Do not over task (DO NOT BE OPTIMISTIC).
  • Develop a method to track mission accomplishment (CONFIRM OR DENY REPORT PROCEDURE).
  • Track mission accomplishment along with the progress of the supported tactical mission to anticipate shortcomings.

7. Supply. RSOI Priority should go to 6,000-pound forklifts for lift support. Also plan for lowboy or HET support for transporting MHE to the box during the customer's RSOI week, immediately followed by the certification of water tankers by preventive medicine, and completion of the fuel filter effectiveness test. Focus on topping off both fuel and water tankers by RSOI-II. Understand the water tankers will come from the MSB; however, immediate attachment is crucial for unit integration. Let the MSB provide retail fuel support in the Dust Bowl, and ensure everyone tops off their 400-gallon water trailers prior to leaving the Dust Bowl. If the task force fuelers are not able to receive fuel from the fuel point, have the MSB top the fuelers off. The objective is for the beginning balance of all FSB fuel and water tankers to be at maximum capability by RSOI-5.

8. Logistical Battle Tracking. The logistics community must track each facet of maintenance, supply, medical and transportation in a clear and concise manner that presents a picture of what their capability is at any one time. For example:

THIS: The FSB can provide wholesale fuel support to a battalion-size task force for 48 hours of operation.
NOT THIS: We have two fuel tankers fully mission capable (FMC).

There are enabling tasks embedded in this simple example:

a. Qualified drivers certified in night operations.
b. Fuel tankers with a satisfactory fuel filter effectiveness test.
c. A vehicle that is FMC.
d. Completed pre-combat inspections with soldiers fully equipped.

In short, the tracking system must be detailed enough to certify that a capability exists. The capability outlines what the logistics community can "add to the fight."

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