미포병지번역 43

The King of Battle: Targeting and Fires at Minas Tirith

전투의 왕 : Minas Tirith 에서의 표적처리와 화력주요용어 LSCO Large-Scale Combat Operations HPTL High-Payoff Target List AGM Attack Guidance Matrix TSM Target Synchronization Matrix D3A Methodology IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battle HVT High-Value Target TSS Target Selection Standard ISCM Information Collection Synchronization Matrix PIR Priority Intelligence Requirements IC Information Collection BDA Batt..

미포병지번역 2025.02.27


혼성 포병대대 운용연합 대포 / 로켓 대대 운용에 관한 관찰 및 결과주요 용어 :SUAS Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems MUOS Mobile User Objective System VHF Very High Frequency HF High Frequency SIPR Secure Internet Protocol Router RSOP reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of positions DS Direct Support GS General Support FSCC Fire Support Coordination CenterFDC Fire Direction CenterFSC Fire Support Coordinator ATO Air Tasking..

미포병지번역 2024.12.30


미 1군단은 집중성을 어떻게 달성하는가주요 용어:CJJFLCC Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command CJTF HQ Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters LSCO large-scale combat operations MDO Multidomain operationstenets of operations agility, convergence, endurance, and depth multiple domains Land, Maritime, Air, Cyberspace, and Space Target types facility, individual, virtual, equipment, or organization (FIVE-O)IADS..

미포병지번역 2024.12.22

The Urgent Need for Wheeled Howitzers

차륜형 곡사포의 긴급한 필요성주요 용어 :UAS Unmanned Aerial Systems PLA People's Liberation ArmyUON Urgent Operational NeedCCP Chinese Communist PartyMLRS Mutiple Launch Rocket System HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System DOTMLPF-P doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policyMRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected1. 2024년 3월 27일, Global Forc..

미포병지번역 2024.12.09


A VIGNETTE IN ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES AT ECHELON JRTC에서 사단 및 여단 전투:제대에서 우선순위 설정 시 삽화주요 용어:ARSTRUC Army Structure RSOI reception, staging, and onward integration VALEX validation exercise DST digital sustainment training OPTEMPO operational tempoPAA position areas for artillery IPOE intelligence preparation of the operational environment TIDAT Target Intelligence DataFAIO Field Artillery intelli..

미포병지번역 2024.12.03


실험 : 미 8군 작전적 효과 관리관주요 용어 :OE operational environment IO Information Operations CEMA Cyber Electro-magnetic Activities MDO Multi-Domain Operations Multi-Domain Task ForcesArmy Space Support Teams Multi-Domain Effects Battalion Theater Information Advantage Detachment IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Modified Combined Information OverlayCombined Information OverlayCompounding eff..

미포병지번역 2024.11.22

Look Up : The Future of Fire Support and Loitering Munitions

조사 : 화력지원의 미래와 배회포탄주요 용어 :loitering Munitionsdrone LRHW Long-Range Hypersonic WeaponERCA Extended Range Cannon Artillery the Fires Center of Excellence USAF MQ-9 Reaper droneobservation droneshort-range dronekill chain FiST Fire Support Team 1. 가용한 시간과 기술이 교전국에게 지속적으로 발전되고 있다는 것이 전쟁에 대해 지금까지 남아있는 진실이다. 이러한 계속적인 발전은 우리나라의 역사전반에 걸쳐 있어 왔다는 것이 이 경우에 해당한다. 그래서 지금 현재, 육군은 우크라이나로부터 배운 교훈을 기반으로 혁신과 개발..

미포병지번역 2024.11.13


러시아의 무인항공기 화력지원협조주요 용어:SMO Special Military Operation UAV Unmanned Aerial VehiclescomplexStreets system = digital fire control system Orlan-10Orlan-30FLOT forward line of troops ZALA Lancet = loitering Munitions HIMARSRQ-7 ShadowReconnaissance Fires Circuit = kill chain Fires War Fighting FunctionFIST fire support TeamCOLT Combat Observation Lasing TeamFUTURES Command and FIRES CDIDFire Support ..

미포병지번역 2024.11.09

The Combat Aviation Brigade and Digital Call For fire:

Increasing Lethality of the Division 전투항공여단과 디지털 사격요구 : 증가하는 사단의 살상능력 주요 용어 : LSCO large scale combat operations JAGIS joint air ground integration center COIC current operations integration cell D-CFF digital call for fire CAB combat Aviation Brigade UGCS universal ground control station BFT2 blur force tracker 2 AFATDS advanced field artillery Tactical data system SIPR secret internet protocol..

미포병지번역 2024.10.21