
[스크랩] 110mm LARS 재고탄을 이용한 독일군 MLRS 다련장 로켓탄 사격 훈련 시스템

103ROTC #20 LTC / On Artillery 2009. 2. 3. 12:56

110mm LARS 재고탄을 이용한 독일군 MLRS 다련장 로켓탄 사격 훈련 시스템으로 비싼 227mm 로켓탄도 절약하면서 재고로 처리해야 하는 110mm 탄도 활용하는 일석이조의 효과를 노린 듯합니다.

독일에서 MLRS를 MARS Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System라고 부릅니다.



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The M270 system can fire MFOM, MLRS Family Of Munition rockets and artillery missiles, which are manufactured and used by a number of countries. These include:

M26 (United States): Rocket with 644 M77 Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM) sub-munitions, range of 23 km.

M26A1 (United States): Extended Range Rocket (ERR), with range of 45 km and using improved M85 submunitions.

M26A2 (United States): As M26A1, but using M77 submunitions.

M27 (United States): Completely inert training Launch Pod/Container to allow full loading cycle training.

M28 (United States): Training rocket. M26 with three ballast containers and three smoke marking containers in place of submunition payload.

M28A1 (United States): Reduced Range Practice Rocket (RRPR) with blunt nose. Range reduced to 9 km.

XM29 (United States): Rocket with Sense and Destroy Armor (SADARM) submunitions. Not standardized.

M30 (United States): Guided MLRS (GMLRS). A precision guided rocket, range over 60 km, in pre-production, with a standard load of 404 M85 submunitions.

XM31 (United States): Variant of the M30 with a unitary high-explosive warhead.

XM135 (United States): Rocket with binary chemical warhead (VX (nerve agent)). Not standardized.

MGM-140A (United States): Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). A large guided missile using the M270 launcher, with a variety of warheads.

AT2 (Germany, UK): SCATMIN Rocket with 28 anti-tank mines and range of 38 km.



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Selected rocket specifications

  • M26A1/A2
    • Weight: 296 kg (650 lb)
    • Maximum range: over 45 km (28 mi)
    • Warhead:
      • M26A1: 518 M85 DPICM submunitions
      • M26A2: 518 M77 DPICM submunitions
  • M30/XM31
    • Maximum range: over 45 km (28 miles)
    • Guidance: GPS/INS
    • Warhead:
      • M30: 404 M85 DPICM submunitions
      • XM31: 90 kg (200 lb) unitary HE
    • Weight: 561 lb (254 kg)
    • Maximum range: 39 km (24 mi)
  • PARS SAGE-227 F
    • Weight: over 300 kg/160 kg
    • Maximum range: 70 km (43 mi)


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발사기 제원

Entered service: 1982 (U.S. Army)
First used in action: 1991 (First Gulf War)
Crew: 3
Weight loaded: 24,756 kg
Length: 22 ft 6 in
Width: 9 ft 9 in [4]
Height (stowed): 2.57 m (8 ft 5 in)[5]
Height (max elevation): N/A
Max road speed: 64 km/h
Cruise range: 480 km
Reload time: 4 min (M270) 3 min (M270A1)
Engine: Turbo-charged V8 Cummins VTA903 diesel 500 hp ver2.
Crossdrive turbo transmission fully electronically controlled
Average unit cost: $2.3 million



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